As you can see, the year is over and not all the pictures are up. This was me distancing myself from technology and falling behind. My plan is now to catch up. You're going to get a lovely random mixture of pictures.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 207

     Today we went to pick some raspberries. Not the big, chemically grown ones you get for cheap at the store. The little, juicy ones that you see exactly where they come from, that are somehow sweeter, that you get to pick and can eat straight off the bush. And that you don't have to buy.
     Sometimes I wish I had a model I could carry in my pocket so when an idea for a shoot struck, I could fly with it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 206

     Nicole is a beautiful girl. I loved doing her senior pictures!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 196

     Every day, hundreds of thousands of birds run into windows, mistaking them as a passageway, their reflection as another bird or in sheer confusion of mistake. Many of them revive and are able to fly away within a few hours. But that leaves many who don't get to open their wings again. This little girl was one who was unfortunate to not make it. I found her lying in our garden, in a beautiful spot under the window box. I have probably seen this same bird, foraging our big new lawn for worms, and she probably has raised several young this summer. It's strange to find death. It happens all the time, all over the world, and I keep getting more and more used to it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 194

     I'm slowly working on catching up on these postings. It's been a crazy summer. I'll be posting ones here and there as I have time and post the ones between as soon as I can!
     I played with multiple exposure today. It is so much fun!  It takes a lot of planning for each shot, but the result is always well worth it.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 190

     I got another "new" camera today. Not very new, but verrryyy cool. And only for a few dollars. I cannot wait to see how it does!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 189

     Zoo time! The zoo is always so much fun, but it wears me out in a real hurry. The Grizzlies there were puny. But that doesn't take anything away from how beautiful they are.
     There are so many zoo pictures I want to share, but I will not.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 184

     I love my dad so much. Today we went on a nice family hike. It didn't last terribly long, since unfortunately, we've got so much spring melt it completely blocked the trail! But it was nice to be out with the family.